I am creating a game that uses several different Languages based on setting. The only language causing problems is Russian. Certain characters look like they are interpreted as a new line character. I have tried 4 Fonts: Liberation, Noto Serif, Noto Sans, and Calibri, with the range of Cyrillic alphabet, and with a range of 00-2FFF, nothing fixes this problem. I have also adjusted settings on the text box as well.
Here is the text with wordwrap on, on top. and wordwrap off below. The debug log shows the Russian words there were to be displayed.
Select letters are missing on the wordwrap, and the words are lower than they should be. Each word is its own text box.
Here is one of the many setups for the Font Asset I have tried.
This is the limited set, I also tried doing the larger range.
Here is it working with another language (Chinese) in the right column.
I have 5 Font assets that I am using and only the Russian one is causing a problem. It is not like the Chinese when I was missing a character, where it showed a small square instead.
If there is a fix, I am missing, please let me know. I am creating a multi-language learning program and this font asset is needed for a couple languages. I also tried it in the first column it does the same thing.
Any info would be appreciated and thanks for a great product.