I like how the TeshMesh Pro library can start supporting color emojis, but I’d like to report this bug I’ve found when rendering multi-codepoint emojis:
Multi-codepoint emojis (e.g., ) are “composite emojis” that are made from multiple emojis, but they will be rendered as separated emojis in TMP. For example, is represented as ( + + + ) in codepoint, but TMP renders as four separated emojis (see below)
The squares between the emojis are “U+200D”, which is a zero width joiner used to join individual emojis together. Apparently TMP did not recognize as a whole and tried to render the codepoints separately.
I tried to search the internet but couldn’t find solutions. It would be nice if someone can provide a solution to this or have this bug fixed in the coming TMP version, much appreciated!
Unity version: 2022.3.46
TMP version: 3.2.0-pre.10