This is very difficult to screenshot, but I’m seeing emoji’s (from inside a textMeshPro text) that are displayed outside of their mask (they’re inside of a scroll rect, and are appearing 200 px up from the top of the scroll rect) for a split second, then they go back to normal. This consistently happens in a complicated load process. It’s not happening to the ascii text in the same textmesh pro - text.
Any ideas what i could be doing wrong? Is this fixable?
What version of the TMP package are you using?
I can update to latest and test that if you want.
Please update to 2.1.1 to see if the behavior is the same with the UI Mask.
Will do!
Oh, i should mention: I’m using RectMask2d not the standard one.
Ok, I saw it again. but it was only with the second half of a multi part emoji.
There was a peach color thumbs up , which renders (incorrectly) as thumbs up (yellow) + peach color square. I’m only seeing this with the peach colored square.
apparently unity forums don’t support emoji’s
Any chance you can submit a bug report with the project for me to look at?
Just uploaded case number 1269831. It’s a large project, though so I’m not sure how helpful it is. The error occurs in the ChatLogView game object (emoji is acutally in chat log row subclass that is dynamically added to that view).
How would I go about reproducing the issue with the project you provided?
I sent a note through support. Let me know if you didn’t get that.