TextMeshPro 3.2.0-pre7 Bug

Hey guys,
I just updated my TextMeshPro to 3.2.0-pre7, and all the TMP GameObjects in my project wouldn’t display any text. I reimported Essential Resources and Examples & Extras, but the Console keeps popping up error messages telling me Essential Resources are missing, and the import window keeps popping up as well, though the buttons are greyed out since I did import everything.

I tried deleting the TMP folder, restoring TMP version to 3.0.2, and reinstalling TMP, but none of them worked. Any help is greatly appreciated!

btw I’m using Unity version 2021.3 LTS

Hello, have you tried the “reimporting all” action on your project?

unity 6 beta TextMeshPro is missing. there is no package in the package manager.also, I try to add in the package manifest but it also not work