TextMeshPro Big T in canvas camera mode

Hi, i get a small issue about textmeshpro from when i put the canvas in camera mode to render a 3D object. I start to see some T that are related to the textmesh (they disappear if i disable the gameobject but not the textmeshpro component, but if i delete the component disapper as well).

Anyone knows how i can remove them?

They looks having effect in distance so the only “fix” i found is to increase the plane distance in canvas, they will be so small that will not be render.
To show better i put my camera in ortographic mode, that is not affected by distance.

Edit: I did some more test, is not about distance but about camera size, even ortographic if size is increased will make them disappear.
One more way to solve, may be to use a canvas only for 3D object, without any textmeshpro, but will be tricky to manage for my project.


Here have a look at this:

Hope that helps!