TextMeshPro - No ability to change text or font atlas

I’m having a really strange issue with TextMeshPro. I opened up Unity today to work on my game, and TextMeshPro has no options for me to change the text or the font of the object. I’ve tried removing and reinstalling the asset, upgrading to the most recent version and reinstalling, closing the project and re-opening, but I’m still stuck with the same issue.

Has anybody else faced this issue? Is there a good fix for it, or is my project just Borked and I’m gonna have to edit everything through code?

Does this happen to a newly created TextMesh Pro object in the scene? Same, but in a new scene? Same, but in a new project?

If this only happens on a specific object it may be a bug. Any errors/warnings in the console?

If it generally happens in your project perhaps something got “borked”, in that case I’d try deleting the Library first (with project closed).

It was happening on every TMPro object in the game. Tried restarting again, still had the issue. Removed the Library and let Unity do its thing on launch, still there. Restarted again, fixed. Perfect.

Just one of those things I guess.