TextMeshPro pageCount not updated

I’ve got some really simple code:

TextMeshProUGUI textScript = textScriptRef.Resolve(graph.GetResolver());
textScript.text = "this is a test string";
Debug.Log(textScript.textInfo.pageCount); --> == 0

It seems like the TextMeshProUGUI is not being updated or initialized. I’ve also tried this method in place of pageCount and it fails too:


This throws an NPE:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
TMPro.TMP_TextInfo.CopyMeshInfoVertexData () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.textmeshpro@2.0.1/Scripts/Runtime/TMP_TextInfo.cs:193)
Speech.AnimationHandle..ctor (TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI textScript, System.Single clockIncrement, System.Int32 clockPrecisionDecimals) (at Assets/Scripts/UI/Speech/SpeechAnimationRoutines.cs:170)
Speech.RichTextAnimationTagRunner.StartAnimations () (at Assets/Scripts/UI/Speech/RichTextAnimationTagRunner.cs:31)
Timeline.RecitationPlayableBehaviour.OnBehaviourPlay (UnityEngine.Playables.Playable playable, UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData info) (at Assets/Timeline/RecitationPlayableBehaviour.cs:35)

Is there some initialization I need to do operating within the context of a timeline PlayableAsset? Everything works in editor mode, but for the first use of text in the timeline in player mode, TextMeshProUGUI seems to be uninitialized in some way. The object is not null, and I’ve verified textScript.text is getting set.

Ah i’m a fool. The GameObject was inactive. I didn’t realize! Sorry for the noise.