As I understand the “old” UIText , generate a texture for each font size,
So, in my Unity project I gave the same font size to all my UIText.
And I used with the scale option to resize my text…
Does the TextMeshPro/UI generated textures for chars or texts?
Is It better performance to give to all the TextMeshPro/UI the same font size?
Since TMP uses Signed Distance Field as its primary text rendering, the same glyph representation in the atlas texture is used for all point size and scale. This is much more efficient than the legacy text system where a representation of each glyph is required for each point size used.
I understand that several different font-size will not effect my performance.
Just to know…, what is the different if I change the scale or the font size to resize my text?
Changing the font size (of the TMP text objects) is the best / most intuitive option in my opinion whereas changing text object scale to actually change the point size is likely to lead to issues (not technical but sort of lead to confusion project)