
For some reason, TextMeshPro destroys itself after loading? Any ideas how to fix this?

 [SerializeField]private TextMeshProUGUI playerNameUI;

private void Start()
            PlayerOneName = "Brian";
            playerNameUI.text = PlayerOneName + "'s Turn!";

presumably some other code that you haven’t shared here is responsible.

This is all the code referencing TextMeshPro. And the object itself is brand new.

Have you tried this in a new project?

Try it in a fresh scene. You have something else causing the issue. Also try re-assigning the reference and restarting Unity.

Huh, it worked in the new scene! Any idea what might cause it to be ‘destroyed’ when nothing else references it? I still can’t use it in my main project without it throwing that error, even after a restart.

Destroy the text field and run your program.

Or else DUPE it and destroy the first copy.

Something will probably blow up.

That something is what is turning it off.

Sounds like a plan, thank you. I have a hunch it might be a dodgy plugin because it’s the first bit of text I’ve added to the game, so nothing else I’m doing references it.