I am working on a dominos game, and the player can select a base material like bone, wood, bakelite, etc, and then a face style like colored pips, black pips, numerals, etc. So there can be various combinations. This seems to lead to a large number texture atlases required to cover all material+face styles. If I could make a semi-transparent decal with the face graphics, over the selected base material, that would be better use of texture resources, even if the multiple materials meant the dominoes had to be drawn more than once. That’s fine they are low poly. However I can’t figure out how to do this with Cheetah3d and Unity. I noticed there is a decal shader in Unity, but it seems more for special lighting-effects, not the kind of basic texturing. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. I am really new to Unity too btw, so go easy.
You’d want the decal 2UV’s shader off the wiki, and in cheetah use its baking functionality to generate a second UV set.
Thanks Targos, that does help!
Well despite Targos good advices over in the Cheetah3d forum, I never could get the Decal 2UV’s to work on the 2nd UV. Weird! No biggy though because for now I am just using the built-in Decal shader, with the one UV. I am scripting like this to slide the decal around the texture:
renderer.material.SetTextureScale("_DecalTex", Vector2(u,v));
renderer.material.SetTextureOffset("_DecalTex", Vector2(u2,v2));
Unity is awesome! Now if this shader works on the iphone, I will be even happier.