Texture Attributes

Is there any way to get at the attributes of a texture that has been loaded via renderer.material.mainTexture, like width height?


sure they are all accessable on Texture2D objects

just check the Texture2D script reference for a full list of their properties you can access

Been there.

Even searched under the term ‘Alpha’, couldn’t find an example or the proper link to adjusting the Alpha or Color of a GUI.Button.

In which way does a gui button relate to your original question on renderer?

Thought the answer is the same: Yes you can access width and height as the Texture documentation shows.

But on the things you just posted that are unrelated to the original quesiton:
GUI.xx is distinct from the rest and does not use Texture2D. It only uses Texture and has its own hardcoded material.
You configure it through its GUISkin

I have two threads in this one I want to know if it is possible to acquire a texture via renderer.material.mainTexture and have it maintain it’s aspect ratio.

Guess I responded to what I thought was my GUI.Button thread.


updated my posting above and also posted a similar thing on your real gui button question