Texture Colour Change (not compression/16bit/management)

I have a texture in Unity appearing slightly off. The usual culprits are:

  • compression (it is set to TrueColor / no compression)
  • 16bit (I’m using 8bit textures only)
  • colour management (all management is off in PS)

At first I thought this was a PS issue. To double check this I’ve:

  • ensured don’t manage is off
  • saved to various other formats TGA, JPG etc
  • created a new document in PS and done tests from within that
  • checked the texture in 3dsmax, Windows Explorer etc (matches PS)

Because of that last point I believe this to be an issue specific to Unity.

Image for Ref: (colour above is texture in Unity’s inspector at TrueColor. Colour below is Windows Preview).

What shader is used to render that texture? Do you have any ambient light?

There is no shader (this is inspector). No lights etc

Are you in Gamma mode or Linear mode in Unity’s player settings?