Texture displayed incorrectly

Hello everyone, I have a problem with displaying textures correctly on Blender models, I’m not sure what I did wrong and what I should do to make the textures display correctly.
The model and texture were made in Blender, the model was exported to the fbx format. and the texture is saved in png format and applied to the model in Unity. Which program is causing the problem?
and how can I solve it?
Thank you in advance for your help and best regards.

Zrzut ekranu 2024-09-23 212519

When exporting to FBX, you need to check the “Include” section in the export settings and select “Textures”. This ensures that the texture paths are preserved. Use the correct version of FBX that is compatible with Unity (FBX 2016 or later is recommended).
planet clicker

I don’t have the “Textures” option in the fbx export settings.

Problem został rozwiązany, w Unity w ustawieniach tekstur musiałem zmienic typ tekstur na “Editor GUI and Legacy GUI”