Texture drawing error on Windows

Textures rendered through the GUI system appear corrupted on Windows while they look fine on OSX. Please see the attached picture.

This happens with GUI.DrawTexture as well as with GUIText. Any idea what causes this and how to fix it?

Compression of the images doesn’t make a difference. It may have something to do with alpha transparency. Some pictures look better if I don’t fade them in and out (and use Graphics.DrawTexture instead, without a Material). But that doesn’t apply to the GUIText, which is not faded at all. I’m using the Transparent/VertexLit shader for the GUIText because the letters have multiple colours. And Pixel Correct is turned off.


I cant help you with your problem, but i just wanted to inform you, that “tot” means “dead” in german… just in case you want to publish in germany :wink:

The best would be to make just a minimal project (with texture and a scene that shows the issue) and report a bug with that (Help → Report problem menu). And let us know on what PC this does not work (graphics card, OS version).


Quick thought. Why not make a bug reporter for windows? This would make sure you’re getting all the information that you need about the system where a problem occurs without pulling the developer through a lengthy process of gathering information.

There is a bug reporter on Windows, installed with the web player. But that one does not support attaching files (we had to keep it small; as web player size is important…). When we’ll have Windows editor I assure you that we’ll have full bug reporter there as well.

We have encountered this same error recently on a MacBook Pro, while it hadn’t occured on our iMac or our MacBook.

I plan on making a small sample application.

I’m seeing similar Problems here on my MacBook Pro, and while I’m still working on isolating a small reproducable case, I’m pretty sure, the problem is related to RenderTetxures. When I create a scene with no RenderTextures (as counted by Unity’s stats screen), then I never get these errors.

Ok, just sent in a bug report with a minimal project. Actually, it seems that a single GUI.DrawTexture call, and a camera with a Glow Effect attached are enough to trigger the problem here.