Texture filtering and seams

With point filtering the uv mapping looks perfect but when switching to bilinear/trilinear you can see seams between every edge. Any way to get rid of them? I tried adding padding to the texture, 5px, 10px, etc, it didn’t make a difference.

Looks like the the UV map is not continuous, so even if the texture itself is seamless, the UV coordinates at the edges don’t line up and you get this very sharp seam. However, they are apparently aligned with the texels so it looks fine with point filtering. If the UV map was continuous but the texture not seamless, there would be some amount of blurring along the edges and the seams would be less obvious.

So, if the texture is seamless, this can possibly only be fixed by editing the UV map so that it is continuous. But it’s difficult to say for sure without seeing the UV map or the texture.

Oh well I guess. Feels like the only way to move forward in gamedev is to keep making sacrifices.