I have a texture which normally looks like this:
Then when i play the game, if the texture is a little far from the camera it looks very blur. I set the Texture to Advanced Mode, and disable Generating MipMaps + set the texture size to 4096. Still it gives me this:
Any idea how to change this effect?
I think you need to set the Aniso Level to a higher value. Default is 1. This option is also in the Texture Options.
Other than that, I don’t think there’s so many things that could be done. The blury effect is a ‘normal’ thing depending on the angle you’re looking to the texture. Steep angles will result in this effect.
This is an old question, but I’m answering in case people find this question and wonder the same thing.
There are two things that can be done to help this. One is the use of trilinear filtering, which will help reduce the sudden jump in quality that you may see at a certain angle/distance.
The bigger thing that will help this is anisotropic filtering, which gives higher quality mip mapping for oblique viewing angles. I think 2x is all that would be needed to remove most of the issues. Higher values can quickly scale in computational requirements, but will slightly improve the quality.
One of those problems known by so many users is the dreaded “blurry” textures. Now to be fair, some of the Microsoft representatives have devoted a large number of posts and messages to this topic, in an attempt to educate the users and get them some relief. In most cases, this advice can be boiled down to “try decreasing your settings”. The idea being that the user’s hardware is not capable of handling such large amounts of texture data and therefore is starved of resources and has no choice but to display “blurry” textures.