Texture is used double memory in profiler of Unity Editor.

Hey, I’m really wondering for that problem.
Texture is used double memory in profiler of Unity Editor.
My environment is Windows 7 64bit, Unity 4.6.9f1.

My test step is,

  1. Create 512 X 512 png texture in painter tool. Change name to ‘Text512.png’.
  2. Import empty project in unity.
  3. Change import setting to ‘Advenced’.
  4. Turn off ‘Generate mipmap’ and choose format to ‘RGBA 32bit’.
  5. Open unity profiler(pro version only) and show ‘Assets / Texture2D’.
  6. You can find “Name: Texture512, Memory: 2MB”.

512 X 512 uncompressed texture size is 1MB.

=> 512 X 512 X 4(32bit) =>1,048,576 byte => 1MB.

Profiler bug? unity internal usage?
I couldn’t find about it on Unity document, Answer and Google search.

Why is that?

The textures are referenced twice. By the game running in the Editor and again by the Profiler.

If you profile outside the editor your texture usage will be 1/2. It’s recommend you profile outside the editor.