Texture issue?

Hey, all,

I’m having a bit of an issue with one of my game-world textures - in the editor, all is fine, but when I upload it to the iOS device, the texture looks like it’s being replaced with another texture.

My game is pretty memory heavy, but this seems unlikely to be Unity’s reaction to be going over memory limits.

Does anyone else have any experience of this type of thing? I just want to check I’m not making a stupid mistake before I send it in as a bug…



The texture should never be replaced with another, also memory border wouldn’t cause such a thing but a memory warning followed by iOS application kill :slight_smile:

Yeah, I expected as much, to be honest - the application is as solid as a rock, though.

The confusing thing is that the texture appears correctly in the editor - does this sound like a Unity bug?

Not needfully
Check the log output on the device, and the editor log output after building.
perhaps there is an error along that line that the corresponding asset or code that uses it never really gets updated /built thus not making to the device

Cool - will do, Thanks, Dreamora. :slight_smile:

Not sure if this is the same issue, I had a similar experience where the texture looks fine in Unity, it was incorrect on the device. Don’t know why this worked, but I changed the shader from Diffuse to Diffuse Fast and it’s now working fine.

Cool - cheers, Plinan - I’ll give that a try too… :slight_smile: