This is from unity video
I have a scenario where this would be very useful, is there an ETA, or at least a confirmation that the feature is coming?
This is from unity video
I have a scenario where this would be very useful, is there an ETA, or at least a confirmation that the feature is coming?
I asked about this in June and this is the response I got: [#709]( Feedback Wanted: Scriptable Render Pipelines page-15#post-3541972)
So nothing concrete really except they know area lights in general need improvement and intend to work on that feature in general. I think I saw some work done on area lights in github since then, but nothing major in terms of new features so far, although I wasnt following too closely.
It’s doable with planar reflections right now though, or SSR but you need 2018.3 beta 3 + HDRP 4.x - both are of course not the same solution but should sufficiently look similar.
Yeah i need light from screen to illuminate according to whats on the screen, i can do it by approximating texture color from sampling mips, but its still not the same.
Thanks, will wait for it.