hello all,
Working with a 3d scene included with objects. All imported from 3d software with uvmaps. But while in importing in Unity i don’t see any maps on the object, is there any specified path to define for maps.
As in my scene all objects are just appearing with default grey color shade, as same in looks what we see when we create a new game object like sphere, cube …
Imported file i tried is 3ds and obj and in both the textures are not shown. Do i need to add the texture manually. Actually there are lot of other objects also, So thats why asking for a proper way to do the same.
Hi, by putting all of the textures inside your project folder in a folder called “textures” unity will look their for model textures and generate materials for them.
Oh, i was confused with the material thing. Damn its so understandable and now i messed up the scene with adding textures one by one.
There are lot of objects, and most of them copies if this textures path really works than it will be good for me. As i can see by placing manually each time it creates a new material for the duplicate objects. While there is same material for duplicated objects.
will check about this textures path thing and get back to this.
Thanks aNTeNNa trEE, joe robins
Tried with refference to the link. Still no go. Textures are not coming on models, tried all sort of paths and file placing but no result.