Texture or GameObjects?

Good morning everybody (here’s damn raining but… it’s ok)

we have a big doubt, I’ll try to explain.

We need to create a grid, a big one (let’s say 30m every side) as background of a scene.

We are choosing between two ideas:

1) A big panel with a big texture

2) A small script who uniformly spread “strings”, “lines”, “bars”, or whaterver you call them, on the scene.

On the first case, we need a very big texture who will take a lot of Video-memory

On the second case, we need to instantiate many gameobjects (many is around 40) as prefabs ofcourse.

The question is about which resources is better NOT to take.

  1. A lot video memory
  2. CPU and main memory with a bunch extra of gameobjects

We know we could use a small repeated texture, but I’d like to know if there’s a commonly less expensive solution.

Thx a lot :wink:

Or just one object if you build the grid procedurally as a mesh.
