Texture Paint Important Suggestion

Hi Unity Team,

I am not sure if this is the correct forum, but i would like to suggest what i think is a VERY important feature.I like the advances and terrain tools,stamping,etc…, but i would like a suggest a way to “paint textures on the terrain by slope”.There is no sense to create beautiful landscapes with these stamps and tools if we cannot paint them so they look natural.I think this is not difficult to implement, and i see updates and updates and this feature is not implemented.
Also combine multi terrains(different tiles) into only one big terrain will be good too.

Thanks and keep the good work


Check out Gaia. It’s got that.

Can Gaia do that for already pre-made terrain?
I have Gaia, but in my current project I’m using the Terrain Tools my self and I find hand painting the Terrain to be right what I want for this project. But Textures - are going to be a pain to do.

Right now I’m using 2KM Regions (10x10) so 20KM’s.
So as you can tell, hand painting them would be quite annoying. Not really wanting to work on an editor script to do it if there’s already an option that can do it (either free, or through gaia).

And TC2,landscape builder,map magic, but this really important and must be a standard feature in Unity, in my opinion.

you’d need to ask on the Gaia thread. been too long since I used it. I believe you might be able to output the splat map, then maybe use that as a mask in substance painter to selectively target areas?

Then again, you could probably export the terrain as a mesh and then just do your typical curvature map, AO bake, height bake, and work on it with generators. Whatever tool you are using, as long as you can swap the mask your are generating between programs, should have all the flexbility you need. Best of my knowledge, Gaia does let you export the mask and meshes easily.

@OP, yep, would be nice to have really robust terrain editing tools built in. I second that.