Texture problem : Graphical Corruptions - Need Help

Hello all,

As stated on the title, I have a real weird problem showing on textures. After looking everywhere in my scene, and in Unity forums, I still can’t figure out how this happens.

Here is the result of my scene in Unity Editor, like I expect to have in build :

Here is the result when I simply build :

  • I tried this on Unity 5.3.3f1, and 5.3.4f1, and builds on PC 64x.
  • The graphical corruption only occurs in build, never in editor.
  • Corruptions shows up only on textures using Unity 5 Standard Specular.
  • In my scene, I used only Unity 5 Standard (simple and specular) Shaders. And I only have one custom script for camera control (a simple free cam).
  • All textures are DTX5 compressed.
  • The more I add textures in the scene, the more I can see corruptions showing up randomly. I obtained this result while having about 500 textures in the scene.

And this is one of the texture (shown broken in build) properties when selected in Unity :

Is this a Unity known bug ? Please I need help on this.


Finally (joke,I wish you had not to deal with this bug) another person with this problem.
We have had this issue since 5.3.0 and still having it on 5.3.4p1.

We think it may be caused by a problem with Unity while it builds the assets because it happens on several different materials from standard to speedtree and sometimes we have spotted other textures in the place of the one where there were artifacts.

Our resource.assets.ress is 4.7GB. On 5.2 it was 2.5GB. We don’t know why and we think it may cause by surpassing the limit of 4GB as there was a similar limit on Unity 4.x but lower, unfortunately we couldn’t find any mention of that in the manual.

Building only the main scene doesn’t present artifacts where are usually shown: the resource.assets.ress size i 3.4GB.

We managed to make a build with the file size lowered to 4.3GB and there seems to be less textures having these problems.

Did you guys make an error report to Unity Tech?
It looks to me like some rendertextures used internally by Unity for lighting get pushed out of graphics card memory when there are a lot of other textures. So with less memory on the graphics card it would happen even sooner.

Seeing your answer made me have the same thought :slight_smile:

Well, same thing happens here, but not sure it has to do with build size since I did builds of other scenes with a size of 8Gbytes without any problem. Moreover, each time you want to lower build size, you remove more meshes, which envolves having less textures in the scene.

Not yey, I wanted to start by forums. I will do if nobody can help by the end of the day.
Here is my PC config :

  • Graphics : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 with 4096Mbytes Type: GDDR5.

  • Memory : 16 GBytes DDR4.

  • CPU : Inter Core I7 6700K.

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yes we did few days ago.

I don’t know but as I said, building the main scene only doesn’t present any problem.

We have this problem on several configurations GTX 970, GTX 750ti, GTX 560 and another one I don’t recall

Have any of you been able to solve this issue?

I filed a bug report but so far no response, not even an acknowledgement of the issue. Another QA guy told me though they weren’t able to repro and if someone knew how to repro this issue it might help (but I assume by “repro” they mean with a lightweight project, not a multi-GB full project where “anything” could cause the issue).

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having resource files below 4GB “solved” it.
Our ticket has been marked as resolved because we used this workaround even it the issue is still there. I’m very disappointed.

Yeah, if it’s not a mobile platform or at least Windows it seems like support is a lot worse :frowning:

Anyway, are you talking about single resource file size limit to 4 GiB or all the resource files together below 4 GiB? We never had a single file above that limit but still experienced this issue.

a single resource file below 4.
The game is on Windows

Hm, ok, we never had a single one over 4. Wonder if it’s really the same issue then.
Also, are you saying you actually got the issue on Windows? So far I thought this was OSX only?

Got a response today saying they think it’s related to a bug in the deferred renderer ( Unity Issue Tracker - [OSX][AMD-only][GLLEGACY] Deferred rendering causes lots of artifacts and invalid GL operations ) which is supposed to be fixed with 5.3.6 at latest (but most likely also in a patch release before that).

My issue happened on Windows 10, Directx 11 and an Nvidia card.

I had an issue similar like this, but it wasn’t deferred rendering (I posted about the issue here http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/broken-output-color-on-mac-build.406799/). And yes, it was OSX only problem. I’ve found the biggest resource file is resources.assets.resS and it’s under 4 GB. Still don’t know why.

Was resolved! Tried to build the Mac using x86_64 architecture output

I am having the exact same problem here, I have an asset that is 5.2 gig. Building on windows with Unity 5.4.2f1. It really sucks not being able to make a build to test anywhere… Anyone know if this got accepted as a bug again? I will re-report if not, we need a fix.

I will see if x86_64 solves it for me!!! that 4 gig limit could well be a 32 bit thing, in fact Im almost certain now, fingers crossed, thanks for the tip!.

Damn 64 bit does not fix it.

Nor does an update to 5.5 beta ;-(

Having the same problem, resource assets under 2gb still no fix

Does having a uncompressed texture in the resources foldoer creates a problem?

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You are not alone. I recently ran into the same problem:

If I have more than 4GB of textures in my Windows build of my game, then some of the textures will be all messed up, even though the textures look perfectly fine when playing the game through the Unity Editor.

I am guessing there is a 32bit addressing bug in the Unity standalone build, so it cannot locate past 4GB of textures in the build. I temporarily “solved” the issue by using an asset called “Build Report Tool” to track down a list of the largest textures in my project, and then I deleted all of the textures that I did not need in my game at this time. As soon as I had less than 4GB of textures in my build, then all of the broken texture problems were magically fixed.


The issue does not seem to be related to total assets in the Resources folder. The issue seems to be a hard limit of 4GB on the total textures in the build. Grab the “Build Report Tool” asset. When you build your project, it will show you total texture size in the build under “Size Stats”. It will say Textures, Sounds, Meshes, etc under “Used Assets Size Breakdown” on the “Size Stats” section. If the total size of Textures exceeds 4GB, you will run into the problem.