Texture problem : Graphical Corruptions - Need Help

I’m not sure how to issue a Ticket, or maybe should @ Unity Dev Here :smile:

@Aras @Joe_Robins @antenna-tree

Please view the posts above, there seems to be a 4GB texture limit on 64bit Builds.

Yeah, the problem here is that the bug only shows up in large projects. It is hard to make a small repro case to submit as a bug report when the problem literally only happens in large projects. Somebody from Unity needs to comment on these threads. I did submit a bug report, but I did not submit my entire project since the source for that project is over 30GB. I just submitted links to the forum threads.

I have replied regarding the 4gb limit here: Bug: 4GB limit to Textures in standalone build - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

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does that mean this wont be “fixed”? we should move to asset bundles? damn really cant be bothered doing that lol.

It won’t be fixed in the short term. https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/best-practices/resources-folder?playlist=30089

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Thanks i will give that a read, I am presuming there is some automated way to make asset bundles, and some convenient way to still work with the files etc and not have to make them each time, and certainly to not have to load things from code. Seems like a bit of a workaround that could cause us to focus on this and not the fun part of making the game, indeed it has already stalled everything for me just weeks before I was due to release a demo, now I cannot. Anyway time to learn asset bundles I guess :)))

Take a look at this:

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That looks great, I will get started with it.

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your the most helpful unity dev I know:) good luck to ya

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I still have these issues, even with the new asset bundle graph tool (excellent idea by the way guys) as you can read here AssetBundle Graph Tool 1.0 Release - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

So I am still waiting for a “fix” on this… Only problem is I might die waiting :slight_smile:

anyone ever get around this? seems silly I have waited a year to make a build and I still cannot!!! I find the Asset Bundle Graph Tool is basically unusable too right now. Unity has so many bugs stopping me move forward, and it has wrecked ALL animations in my game too… tough times to be a unity dev ;-(

@radiantboy Does this limitation only apply to textures in a resources folder or is it anywhere in the project hierarchy?

p.s. Don’t worry, you probably know how it is with development on Unity by now, it goes in cycles, ups and downs. You’re probably in the soul-crushing “stuff not working” period, but the light will return lol, the exciting, creative phase will come back around again.

That animation thing… I seem to remember reading somewhere that a new version of Unity introduced an extra bone for humanoid rigs (another spine bone I think) to more closely resemble something like 3ds Max biped for example. Perhaps this is related?

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Hey man :slight_smile: Thanks for the words of encouragement, looking forward to getting back into that exciting phase for sure!! Unity can demoralise at times, but of course it can do the exact opposite too most of the time!..

The 4 gig thing is basically when you make a build, if any of your .asset files exceed 4 gig of textures then I think it happens.

Animation, im not sure someone just told me to try reimporting the avatars. I would assume if they added another bone, they would not break backward compatibility with existing animations, or they would wreck every game out there. I dont see anyone complaining about it, so I am assuming it is just my project got messed up somehow (not that suprising the amount of times unity has crashed and forced reimports). I believe new animations I have recently imported work, Im gonna try reimporting the avatars on broken anims and see if it works.

If that’s the case, I’m due a headache as well…

Yep, anyone with any largish game will get it, still happening in unity 2017 beta 1. If you use asset bundles apparently it goes away, I am just waiting for the asset bundle graph tool to mature a bit to try that route again, but it appears that it is not that easy to use for huge projects currently imho. It would be great if it could automatically just build assets from a single scene, but it doesnt appear to work that way.

Thankfully my anims are fine after a reimport, so only 2 bugs stopping me build right now, this one with the graphical corruption, and another that hangs during building light phase when making a build.

Vote it up guys :wink: Unity Issue Tracker - [Standalone] Corrupted textures in a huge project

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Makes you wonder how they managed to build Wasteland 2 - game is enormous. Obviously was made using an older version of Unity as well…

Good point, I guess at that angle everything can be lower res and lower poly.

Thank you all for your replies.

Not really a fix, but I figured out how to bypass it. It seems I was having too much BIG textures (2K and 4K resolutions).
So when I did my optimization pass on the scene dividing all textures by 2 or 4, there was no more graphical corruptions.
Also you must be careful on platforms with limited graphical memory like on consoles (PS4 and XboxOne).

Good luck all :slight_smile: