I am pushing selective parts of the device. The main issue I keep an eye on is frame rate and playability. As long as the frame rate stays in the zone for playability, I’ll keep trying to maximize the entertainment value. (And someone already did pong…) I’m keeping a weather eye peeled when looking at my verts and drawcalls, and other performance bench marks.
I am aware of the fact that this is a phone. And a phone with a specific resource budget. I’m just trying to spend my resource budget in a way that will make this game different from others.
This project is completely on other end of the spectrum from Feature Film VFX and I’m aware of that, but I am trying to find where that cliff edge is without a good map.
Currently I’m making a framework and using test objects. Tiling of 100x on a 1024x texture gave me good detail without seeing too much of the repeat. If this doesn’t work, I can reduce the geometry it is on or change the resolution of the tiling.
However, rather than making a matrix or wedge test of assorted geometry densities, geometry sizes, texture sizes and tiling options to try and reduce the current effect, I thought I would ask and see if anyone had any experience in this behaviour before I jumped in.
One of the issues I am trying to avoid is the wait time between levels, and one of the experiments in this direction is to load as much at one time and then vary spawn points, camera positions, objectives and goals so several “levels” of game play are loaded at once in one Unity Scene. One of the drawbacks to this is I need to load a single large playing evnironment. If I can work out these parameters within the limitations of both the iPhone and Unity-iPhone, then I’ll have improved my game play dramatically and made the players experience that much more intense.
Clearly when it comes to existing games, other people have very successfully cracked the resolution, speed and gameplay puzzle, and clearly my current settings don’t attain that standard, but from what I’ve seen in other games (maybe created purely in xCode and not using Unity) they have achieved that standard.
I’ll look into the trilinear settings…