Texture size?

So… I’m making an transparent image/texture for a button in my game.
On its own, it’s 600x204. If I want to make it to the power of 2, closest I can get without scaling down the button is 1024x256. Now I have a .png file with a lot of empty, wasted space.

And that’s rectangular. For a ‘perfect’ scenario, it’d have to be 1024x1024 (square to save memory with PVRTC) which would be even more wasted space.

I’d really appreciate it if someone could tell me if I just have to deal with the wasted space/scaling down the button or if I’m misinterpreting the texture import rules. Looked a bunch on Google but couldn’t really find a definite answer. Thanks in advance!

You could use the Sprite Packer, and use sprites of whatever size you want. The Packer will pack them into an atlas that is POT and square. Just give any sprites that are commonly rendered together the same packing tag and the same compression settings, and they will be packed together. Unity - Manual: Sprite Packer

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