Texture Switching help!!

I have been able to Switch Textures between two Textures on the same model, but I need help implementing that into a dropdown list where you would drop the list and see all of the available textures, click one…and change the model to the selected texture…any help would be greatly appreciated

I have the drop-down list made from the preset in Unity’s UI, but having trouble Assigning the different option to call a texture to the model…

are we talking in game UI or in editor UI? :eyes:

So I added A GameObject UI “DropDown”. It gives you three preset options in the dropdown you can change the name etc. I want to be able to have each option named after its corresponding texture file in my Assets Folder so that when I click the Option for the texture I want it switches the Models Texture to which one I pick. Same concept as a Button assigned to change a models texture and just cant figure out how to do it…looking online everywhere. very new to Unity