Texture UV Map is messed up after import from Blender

I hope someone can help me with this. I have a single object in Blender. This object has a uv mapped texture applied to it. When I export the file as a .fbx and import it to unity the texture is completely messed up.
It does not matter if I include the textures into the .fbx file or if I apply the material texture later. Is there any way to tell unity how the uv mapping of this object looks like?
I attached a picture of blender and unity to this thread.

Thanks in advance.

Hey @David_Gy ,
Would it be possible for you to report a bug including your fbx files and the textures used for it?
So we can have access to the asset and see what’s going on with it. I haven’t heard of any issue specific to UVs so maybe something is wrong with this model or we have a new bug lurking in a corner.
In the meantime, what you could do is open your fbx with another tool like the FBXViewer from Autodesk which is definitely a good way of knowing if the uvs are correct in the FBX file itself or not.

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Hi thanks for the answer. As it turns out the bug was in Blender and not in Unity. It works now. The FBXViewer was a great tip.

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