Texture2D.SetPixel() does not affect the alpha channel.

I’m trying to build a procedural texture and I need some pixels to be transparent, however the alpha value automatically reset to 1 whenever I set it to something different, for example if I make a new Color(0,0,0,0), the result of GetPixel(x,y) is: RGB(0,0,0,1). The same thing happens with SetPixels().

What format is the texture? If you used TextureFormat.RGB24, that format has no alpha, so the alpha value is assumed to be “1.0”. If you want alpha, you need to specify a format with an alpha, like TextureFormat.RGBA32, which should also be the default if no format is specified.

Thank you very much!.. It worked… however it’s not RGBA32 but ARGB32 instead.