Textures are flickering when camera is in motion

Can anyone Help?
I have an issue for a racing game project. When my camera is in motion objects textures starts flickering.
ex… I have road and terrain surrounding it, when i start the race, its textures starts blinking or flickering.
I have heard about z fighting, but in this case i don’t think that’s the problem because i don’t have double side face for road, i didn’t need that.
I have tried changes for camera clipping plane, enable gpu instancing for shader, allowed hdr to camera, but none of these worked till yet.

have a look for anti alising



Shader "FXAA" {
	Properties {
		_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}

		#include "UnityCG.cginc"

		sampler2D _MainTex;
		float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;

		float _ContrastThreshold, _RelativeThreshold;
		float _SubpixelBlending;

		struct VertexData {
			float4 vertex : POSITION;
			float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;

		struct Interpolators {
			float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
			float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;

		Interpolators VertexProgram (VertexData v) {
			Interpolators i;
			i.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
			i.uv = v.uv;
			return i;

		float4 Sample (float2 uv) {
			return tex2Dlod(_MainTex, float4(uv, 0, 0));

		float SampleLuminance (float2 uv) {
			#if defined(LUMINANCE_GREEN)
				return Sample(uv).g;
				return Sample(uv).a;

		float SampleLuminance (float2 uv, float uOffset, float vOffset) {
			uv += _MainTex_TexelSize * float2(uOffset, vOffset);
			return SampleLuminance(uv);

		struct LuminanceData {
			float m, n, e, s, w;
			float ne, nw, se, sw;
			float highest, lowest, contrast;

		LuminanceData SampleLuminanceNeighborhood (float2 uv) {
			LuminanceData l;
			l.m = SampleLuminance(uv);
			l.n = SampleLuminance(uv,  0,  1);
			l.e = SampleLuminance(uv,  1,  0);
			l.s = SampleLuminance(uv,  0, -1);
			l.w = SampleLuminance(uv, -1,  0);

			l.ne = SampleLuminance(uv,  1,  1);
			l.nw = SampleLuminance(uv, -1,  1);
			l.se = SampleLuminance(uv,  1, -1);
			l.sw = SampleLuminance(uv, -1, -1);

			l.highest = max(max(max(max(l.n, l.e), l.s), l.w), l.m);
			l.lowest = min(min(min(min(l.n, l.e), l.s), l.w), l.m);
			l.contrast = l.highest - l.lowest;
			return l;

		bool ShouldSkipPixel (LuminanceData l) {
			float threshold =
				max(_ContrastThreshold, _RelativeThreshold * l.highest);
			return l.contrast < threshold;

		float DeterminePixelBlendFactor (LuminanceData l) {
			float filter = 2 * (l.n + l.e + l.s + l.w);
			filter += l.ne + l.nw + l.se + l.sw;
			filter *= 1.0 / 12;
			filter = abs(filter - l.m);
			filter = saturate(filter / l.contrast);

			float blendFactor = smoothstep(0, 1, filter);
			return blendFactor * blendFactor * _SubpixelBlending;

		struct EdgeData {
			bool isHorizontal;
			float pixelStep;
			float oppositeLuminance, gradient;

		EdgeData DetermineEdge (LuminanceData l) {
			EdgeData e;
			float horizontal =
				abs(l.n + l.s - 2 * l.m) * 2 +
				abs(l.ne + l.se - 2 * l.e) +
				abs(l.nw + l.sw - 2 * l.w);
			float vertical =
				abs(l.e + l.w - 2 * l.m) * 2 +
				abs(l.ne + l.nw - 2 * l.n) +
				abs(l.se + l.sw - 2 * l.s);
			e.isHorizontal = horizontal >= vertical;

			float pLuminance = e.isHorizontal ? l.n : l.e;
			float nLuminance = e.isHorizontal ? l.s : l.w;
			float pGradient = abs(pLuminance - l.m);
			float nGradient = abs(nLuminance - l.m);

			e.pixelStep =
				e.isHorizontal ? _MainTex_TexelSize.y : _MainTex_TexelSize.x;
			if (pGradient < nGradient) {
				e.pixelStep = -e.pixelStep;
				e.oppositeLuminance = nLuminance;
				e.gradient = nGradient;
			else {
				e.oppositeLuminance = pLuminance;
				e.gradient = pGradient;

			return e;

		#if defined(LOW_QUALITY)
			#define EDGE_STEP_COUNT 4
			#define EDGE_STEPS 1, 1.5, 2, 4
			#define EDGE_GUESS 12
			#define EDGE_STEP_COUNT 10
			#define EDGE_STEPS 1, 1.5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4
			#define EDGE_GUESS 8

		static const float edgeSteps[EDGE_STEP_COUNT] = { EDGE_STEPS };

		float DetermineEdgeBlendFactor (LuminanceData l, EdgeData e, float2 uv) {
			float2 uvEdge = uv;
			float2 edgeStep;
			if (e.isHorizontal) {
				uvEdge.y += e.pixelStep * 0.5;
				edgeStep = float2(_MainTex_TexelSize.x, 0);
			else {
				uvEdge.x += e.pixelStep * 0.5;
				edgeStep = float2(0, _MainTex_TexelSize.y);

			float edgeLuminance = (l.m + e.oppositeLuminance) * 0.5;
			float gradientThreshold = e.gradient * 0.25;

			float2 puv = uvEdge + edgeStep * edgeSteps[0];
			float pLuminanceDelta = SampleLuminance(puv) - edgeLuminance;
			bool pAtEnd = abs(pLuminanceDelta) >= gradientThreshold;

			for (int i = 1; i < EDGE_STEP_COUNT && !pAtEnd; i++) {
				puv += edgeStep * edgeSteps*;*
  •  		pLuminanceDelta = SampleLuminance(puv) - edgeLuminance;*
  •  		pAtEnd = abs(pLuminanceDelta) >= gradientThreshold;*
  •  	}*
  •  	if (!pAtEnd) {*

puv += edgeStep * EDGE_GUESS;

  •  	}*

_ float2 nuv = uvEdge - edgeStep * edgeSteps[0];_

  •  	float nLuminanceDelta = SampleLuminance(nuv) - edgeLuminance;*
  •  	bool nAtEnd = abs(nLuminanceDelta) >= gradientThreshold;*
  •  	for (int i = 1; i < EDGE_STEP_COUNT && !nAtEnd; i++) {*

_ nuv -= edgeStep * edgeSteps*;_
nLuminanceDelta = SampleLuminance(nuv) - edgeLuminance;_
nAtEnd = abs(nLuminanceDelta) >= gradientThreshold;_
if (!nAtEnd) {_
nuv -= edgeStep * EDGE_GUESS;

* float pDistance, nDistance;*
* if (e.isHorizontal) {*
* pDistance = puv.x - uv.x;*
* nDistance = uv.x - nuv.x;*
* }*
* else {*
* pDistance = puv.y - uv.y;*
* nDistance = uv.y - nuv.y;*
* }*

* float shortestDistance;*
* bool deltaSign;*
* if (pDistance <= nDistance) {*
* shortestDistance = pDistance;*
* deltaSign = pLuminanceDelta >= 0;*
* }*
* else {*
* shortestDistance = nDistance;*
* deltaSign = nLuminanceDelta >= 0;*
* }*

* if (deltaSign == (l.m - edgeLuminance >= 0)) {*
* return 0;*
* }*
* return 0.5 - shortestDistance / (pDistance + nDistance);*
* }*

* float4 ApplyFXAA (float2 uv) {*
* LuminanceData l = SampleLuminanceNeighborhood(uv);*
* if (ShouldSkipPixel(l)) {*
* return Sample(uv);*
* }*

* float pixelBlend = DeterminePixelBlendFactor(l);*
* EdgeData e = DetermineEdge(l);*
* float edgeBlend = DetermineEdgeBlendFactor(l, e, uv);*
* float finalBlend = max(pixelBlend, edgeBlend);*

* if (e.isHorizontal) {*
_ uv.y += e.pixelStep * finalBlend;
* }*
* else {*
uv.x += e.pixelStep * finalBlend;_

* }*
* return float4(Sample(uv).rgb, l.m);*
* }*

* SubShader {*
* Cull Off*
* ZTest Always*
* ZWrite Off*

* Pass { // 0 luminancePass*
* #pragma vertex VertexProgram*
* #pragma fragment FragmentProgram*

* #pragma multi_compile _ GAMMA_BLENDING*

* float4 FragmentProgram (Interpolators i) : SV_Target {
float4 sample = tex2D(MainTex, i.uv);
sample.rgb = saturate(sample.rgb);*

* sample.a = LinearRgbToLuminance(sample.rgb);*
* #if defined(GAMMA_BLENDING)
sample.rgb = LinearToGammaSpace(sample.rgb);_
* return sample;*
* }*
* }*

* Pass { // 1 fxaaPass*
* #pragma vertex VertexProgram*
* #pragma fragment FragmentProgram*

* #pragma multi_compile _ LUMINANCE_GREEN*
* #pragma multi_compile _ LOW_QUALITY*
* #pragma multi_compile _ GAMMA_BLENDING*

* float4 FragmentProgram (Interpolators i) : SV_Target {
float4 sample = ApplyFXAA(i.uv);_
#if defined(GAMMA_BLENDING)
sample.rgb = GammaToLinearSpace(sample.rgb);_
* return sample;*
* }*
* }*
* }*
FXAA Script
using UnityEngine;
using System;
[ExecuteInEditMode, ImageEffectAllowedInSceneView]
public class FXAAEffect : MonoBehaviour {
* const int luminancePass = 0;*
* const int fxaaPass = 1;*
* public enum LuminanceMode { Alpha, Green, Calculate }*
* public LuminanceMode luminanceSource;*
* [Range(0.0312f, 0.0833f)]*
* public float contrastThreshold = 0.0312f;*
* [Range(0.063f, 0.333f)]*
* public float relativeThreshold = 0.063f;*
* [Range(0f, 1f)]*
* public float subpixelBlending = 1f;*
* public Shader fxaaShader;*
* public bool lowQuality;*
* public bool gammaBlending;*
* [NonSerialized]*
* Material fxaaMaterial;*
* void OnRenderImage (RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination) {*
* if (fxaaMaterial == null) {*

* fxaaMaterial = new Material(fxaaShader);*
* fxaaMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;*
* }*
* fxaaMaterial.SetFloat("ContrastThreshold", contrastThreshold);
fxaaMaterial.SetFloat("RelativeThreshold", relativeThreshold);
fxaaMaterial.SetFloat("SubpixelBlending", subpixelBlending);
if (lowQuality) {*

* fxaaMaterial.EnableKeyword(“LOW_QUALITY”);

* else {*
* fxaaMaterial.DisableKeyword(“LOW_QUALITY”);

* if (gammaBlending) {*
* fxaaMaterial.EnableKeyword(“GAMMA_BLENDING”);
else {_
if (luminanceSource == LuminanceMode.Calculate) {_
RenderTexture luminanceTex = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(_
source.width, source.height, 0, source.format*_
* );*
* Graphics.Blit(source, luminanceTex, fxaaMaterial, luminancePass);*
* Graphics.Blit(luminanceTex, destination, fxaaMaterial, fxaaPass);*
* RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(luminanceTex);*
* }*
* else {*
* if (luminanceSource == LuminanceMode.Green) {*
* fxaaMaterial.EnableKeyword(“LUMINANCE_GREEN”);
else {_
Graphics.Blit(source, destination, fxaaMaterial, fxaaPass);_