I imported a nature scene in unity 2020 using URP and all the textures are pink
except for the grass
any help is appreciated
I imported a nature scene in unity 2020 using URP and all the textures are pink
except for the grass
any help is appreciated
old shaders and new unity rendering system shaders ( URP and HDRP ) are largely incompatible, find the renderer on your object, then its material(s) then update the shader used in each material.
Unity also has an option to upgrade shaders in a project automatically (though it may fail on some, pick the wrong shader, or inappropriate ones sometimes )
for more info… check here…
and here…
and here…
If you convert project which made in unity standard render pipeline , to urp project or hrdp project old materials will be pink. In here unity tries to say you are using wrong material you could convert these materials to valid material by following this path . Edit → Render Pipeline → Urp or hdrp → Upgrade project materials =) I hope that will solve your problem Have a great day =).
if you select the pink object and in the inspector use the Debug mode, you will see and option in the material that says “Shader”. If it is “None” you must add there the Unity Standard Shader (just search there “Standard”)
In my case I import characters using standard PBR shader and then select the option to convert to URP. As soon as I convert to URP it all turns pink