Textures from local works in editor missing in build

I have a file system on a windows computer that contains 11 million 512 x 512 .dds images. I have a way to load them an apply them to a texture and it works great in the editor. The problem comes when I try to build for windows and run the .exe it shows a big magenta square instead of the textures. How do I make the build work like the editor for local file loading.

the command I use to load the file is

byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("c:\image1.dds");

this works great when I hit play button, but fails if I build the executable for windows.

I figured this out from something said in another group about emissive texture not working in build.

What I had to do it add a material to the asset/Resource folder and never use it. This caused the shader to compile in the build and work correctly. All of my materials were created in runtime so it did not know to compile the standard shader.