Textures imported from Substance Painter have a completely different color in Unity

A few days ago I textured a spaceship model in Substance Painter and imported to Unity, I’m aware of the fact that due to shader differences textures imported from Substance Painter to Unity may look a little off but on this import the entire texture appears to be in a different color, this is how the textures look in Substance Painter:

And this is how they look in Unity:

First thing I checked was if its because of the reflection and lighting but even when I put a point light right next to the space ship this is the whitest I could get it to be:
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Which is not nearly as close as to how it is in Substance Painter. Next thing I tried to do was to check the metal color values in Substance Painter, the base color for each metal part was either white or light gray, to prove this here is a preview of the texture’s base colors from substance painter:
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I also tried moving the textured model to a scene with the default skybox and the model still kept this bronze color, so it’s not an issue with the scene lights and reflection probes.

Anyone know how to resolve this? It has been bugging me for the last few days and nothing currently online on this topic seems to help.

Well, that image from substance painter is lit by an HDRI, whereas the scene in Unity is only lit by direct light sources. If you want the lighting conditions to be similar, make sure to use a skybox and bake your lighting/enable auto-baking in the lighting settings such that ambient lighting and reflections are actually generated - in a physically-based renderer these are just as important as direct lighting.

Ended up solving it a few days after posting - might as well update here for future readers. Basically, in my substance painter scene I had white light coming from the hdri map and so that light reflected in the mesh’s metal parts, which made them look more white. When I imported the textures into Unity in my space scene that has a darker light coming from the skybox the materials appeared less bright. The solution was to lower the metallic value of the metal material and add to its roughness so there’s less of a reflection but it still appears metallic.