Textures turn black in UV editor after grouping.

Is anyone else having a problem with textures turning black using the UV editor after grouping? Sometimes I can Move the object a little and then you can see the texture again but sometimes it still stays black.

Using Unity 2018.2.12f1 & Probuilder 3.0.9

Hi! If the faces you Group are too “divergent”, the UV grouping can’t work correctly. Try only using Texture Groups on faces that are withing about 15 degrees of each other (the direction they face).

Additionally, this might be a lightmapping issue- try disabling the “Static” checkbox in the upper right corner of the inspector, while modifying the object, or disable “Auto Generate” in the Unity Lighting settings.

Still having this issue in 2022. Anytime you touch probuilder it just completely destroys the face UV but shows as if nothing has happened. No idea what’s going on, going to have my blender guy do it because what a mess.