For some of my textures, even though they have a packing tag and I can see them in the sprite packer, I can still see them exported by themselves in the iOS build logs, as if they had no packing tag.
Here are the textures in question, being packed with the packing tag “Body”.
Then when looking at the Console’s Editor.log while building, below:
Used Assets and files from the
Resources folder, sorted by
uncompressed size:
I can see the lines
“642.1 kb 0.4% Assets/Artwork/Body/Body_CL_02.png”
“630.1 kb 0.4% Assets/Artwork/Body/Body_CL_01.png”
“620.1 kb 0.4% Assets/Artwork/Body/Body_Center.png”
The rest of my textures are properly packed and shown as “SpriteAtlasTexture” in the builds logs with a tiny < 1kb line for the asset itself which I guess contains the packing data to find back the texture. That’s just those ones not working.
I don’t see any difference in the import settings.
As you can see they are not in a Resources folder.
I use Unity 5.2.2p2, but I had the same issue in 5.2.0p3.
What else can cause that?