Hi, I have a problem with displaying the Thai language in the IOS build, instead of the correct characters, the characters with the question are displayed. Everything is fine on the android build and in the editor, there are also no problems when using UI.Text. I am using TMProUGUI and fallbacks for Thai character support.
And another question, when installing the Thai language on an iPhone, the logic of working with DateTime breaks down, because the Thai calendar differs from the Gregorian calendar. Is it possible to somehow set the default Gregorian calendar, and not use the system one?
Typically the primary is static and the fallbacks are dynamic but that should not matter.
Since the Thai languages uses Diacritical Marks, it is possible that on iOS the base glyph and mark get replaced by the combined mark whereas on other platforms that is not the case. The implication of this would be that on iOS, the combined mark would be missing from your font asset which if static would not be adding the glyph.
For testing purposes, make sure you fallback are dynamic to see if the glyph will then show up.
I tried changing the fallbacks to dynamic and it didn’t help. I am using Arial Unicode MS font with Thai characters, range 0x0E00 - 0x0E7F. Maybe I should use a different font that has combined characters in a different range? Could you explain in what cases this symbol ⍰ is displayed? The project is configured so that if the symbol is not in the TMPro asset, then ☐ is displayed.
All Thai strings are displayed incorrectly. On the attached screenshot, the text that is displayed correctly uses the UI.Text component.
Also in Arial Unicode MS the missing glyphs are displayed like this ☐, I checked that.
Thai uses a lot of Diacritical Marks which is why the text doesn’t display correctly. Support for Diacritical Marks will be in the next release of the TMP package. See the following thread for more information on this.
Can you provide the exact text that you are using which gets replaced by this ⍰. I am just looking to reproduce the behavior to figure out what’s happening on iOS.
I figured it out, the problem was not related to TMPro in any way, sorry for wasting time on me and thank you for your answers.
The glyphs were missing from the UI.Text component. I added Thai font to Font Names and it works.