The App's Info.plist file is missing the CFBundleIcons.CFBundlePrimaryIcon key

altool error reported while uploading app bundle to testflight which is blocking the upload.

ERROR: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] Asset validation failed (90970) Missing Info.plist key. The App’s Info.plist file is missing the CFBundleIcons.CFBundlePrimaryIcon key for the visionOS App Icon. Add the key with the icon name as the value.

In the Unity Editor under “Project Settings → Player → VisionOS → Icon” the Icon dropdown cannot be expanded as it can for other platforms, so the app icon cannot be set there.

Unity 2022.3.9f1
XCode 15.0-beta8
PolySpatial VisionOS 0.3.3

i’ve worked around this by adding the app icon to the xcodeproj once it has been generated by the Unity build.

Have to do same stuff

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Hey guys,
What do you add where exactly?

I used the generated xcode projects to add Images.assets

I think there is a post somewhere else on the forum from someone who implemented a solution with a Unity editor script


Where do you put this folder exactly? I mean it’s in the xcode project, but where? At the root? What is Content.json?

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I made a drop-in solution for this and shared it here

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