The AssetBundle could not be loaded in the Editor because it was built without type trees.

Our project has been developed using 2021.3.18f for nearly 3 years, and we have recently received many crash messages on Android 14. The solution is to upgrade Unity to 2021.3.39f, but the new version cannot load the assetbundle builded with the DisabWriteTypeTree parameter in Editor, so we are not able to run the project in Editor.
Why is it mandatory to prohibit loading assetbundle in Editor in the new version? We are facing great difficulties now. If we don’t upgrade, the game will keep crashing on Android 14. What should we do? Can an option be added on 2021.3.40f to allow loading assetbundle in Editor?
We can ensure that the assetbundle can be loaded correctly in the Editor, rather than restricting this behavior by the engine. Please save us! pls! pls!