I use standard asset, I did not do anything yet just attach 2d character but it show this " the associated script cannot be loaded. please fix all compiler errors unity and assign a valid script"
the import script has this error
Is the .cs file name exactly the same as the class name in it?
Oh wait it does show this( no monobehaviour scripts in the file or their names do not match the file name) for all the script
I already fix and the file name is same but it still shown the same problem. All compiler error have to be fixed
Is this your “Standard Assets” https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/asset-packs/standard-assets-for-unity-2017-3-32351?
It’s outdated. And there’s some reviews that it not working with new version.
Ah yes i use this standard assets, so it is not working with new update?
If so did you have any recommendation asset to use
Btw thanks a lot for reply
I didn’t tested it myself so honestly don’t know if it still works for lastest version. I’m not using any assets so can’t recommend any…
There’s thread about it:
Some errors can be fixed but but if you have no errors it’s hard to guess. Maybe it has dependency on some packages that’s not installed.
As last resort you can try to delete Library folder from project (after this Unity starts with blank scene. Just open your saved scene again).