The attribute JD@value=********** in :GoogleMobileAdsPlugin.androidlib collides with another value (See the Console for details)

I don’t want to ask a question, I just figured out the solution for that after some time! If you have that problem with GoogleMobileAds just delete the "External Dependencies " folder in your asset , the “Plugins” folder , and every folder related to Google. Then Simply re-import the GoogleMobileAds plugin (just google it if you don’t have it) and wait and if all the process is done just try to build your android app again it should work. But before rebuilding the app, go to Assets/Google Mobile Ads/ Settings and fill the AppID again with the one you created on your Google Ad Mobs account. Hopefully that helps!


Thanks friend, it helped me a lot, unity 3d is amazing even with a big budget and millions of developers and people working unity3d still this bugs happen, which shouldn’t happen. What would unity3d be if it wasn’t for a community of many people using unity3d.
Thank you it helped me a lot.