The attribute that inherits from SearchContextAttribute is not working

 public class Test : MonoBehaviour
    [SearchContext("test:")] // works
    public MonoBehaviour test1;
    [MySearchContext] //doesn't work
    public MonoBehaviour test2;

public class MySearchContextAttribute : SearchContextAttribute
    public MySearchContextAttribute() : base("test:")

When reusing both the query and the search provider together, it may be necessary to define a custom attribute that inherits from SearchContextAttribute.

Ok this is a good one. I will log this bug officially (UUM-91984).

Thanks for reporting.

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Hi @santutu2,

WE have taken the decision to make the class SearchContextAttribute sealed. It was never meant to be derived from in the first place. I will close the bug.

Thanks for understanding,


Hello @sebastienp_unity, thank you for your support and response.

I have a question.
The reason I wanted to use inheritance was to implement the code below.
The following is an attribute that searches for MonoBehaviours implementing a specific interface.

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine.Search;
using UnityEngine;

public class Test : MonoBehaviour
        public MonoBehaviour aa;

public class SearchInterfaceAttribute : SearchContextAttribute
    public SearchInterfaceAttribute(Type interfaceType) : base(
        $"ic:{new AssemblyName(interfaceType.Assembly.FullName).Name},{interfaceType.FullName}",
    {      }

If it is not possible to inherit from SearchContextAttribute, is there another way to achieve this kind of implementation?

Hi @santutu2,

after reviewing your feature request, we have decided to keep the [SearchContextAttribute] sealed. Our rationale are as follow:

  • Deriving from an attribute might have unforeseen consequences at the call site where we gather all attributes
  • PropertyDrawer used to draw the SearchContextAttribute might also have issues

Sorry mate :slight_smile: But keep up giving us feedback,
