The best lighting for VR

Hello, I’ve set myself the challenge of creating a small VR environment with the ability to change the weather, the time of day, and turn lights on and off. I was considering using URP for this. I was wondering what lighting tips are the most optimal for this. I’m already familiar with Light Probes, but I’d like to learn more tricks to help make my demo’s lighting both satisfying and immersive

I’ve not touched VR in a while but I found vertex lighting was the most performant back in the Oculus Quest 1 days.

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URPs APV could be nice for good lighting. It also has per vertex options and in Unity 6 can blend between lighting scenarios.
Haven’t tried it in VR, but heard good stories from it.

Quest 2 and especially Quest 3 (or just PCVR) can handle quite some. If you have many realtime lights you can also use Forward+

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