Couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened the new bug reporter:
Unity 6000.1.0b3
That color choice … well, maybe try a different one, okay? 
Main issue being the contrast or unclear separation of elements, that may even be regardless of color. I find it hard to “read” and figure out what’s editable and what isn’t. The form in this state looks more confusing than it needs to be.
@CodeSmile Due to respect, Id say, edit the image and mask out your email, you dont need to have the haters have it
Anyway, to the post, I was like, naaaa it cant be purple. frigging is… Oh goodness… proper cadbury purple
eww. Utterly, eww.
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You’re right. I noticed but was like “nah, I already get so much spam anyway” … plus it’s public anyway (Imprint). But yeah, made the edit, can’t hurt.

Thank you, appreciate the feedback. Note that this is the dark mode, and will currently follow the system dark / light mode setting. The current dark mode scheme is basically the default one for the UI library the Bug Reporter uses. We intend to review and look at improvements to the UI and color-scheme in the near future.
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But nothing on my dark mode is purple 
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Thanks for the feedback. With time, I don’t think color is the main issue here, that was primarily surprising. But there is a real problem of confusion with the new layout where I’m not sure if and how the color plays into it.
Take for instance the top part of the window. It says “Title” and “Describe the problem” in a shaded color, but directly below are four links that are popping out. On first glance this focuses on those links, and it may be difficult to discern that you’re actually supposed to enter something above those links.
Similarly the file list at the bottom stands out because it’s a list of bright white text. Whereas the text fields where you’re supposed to enter information, are taking a step back visually and contrast wise as if those just don’t want my attention.
Perhaps if the top-to-bottom styling was broken up so that there was a left side where all my information goes, and a right side where it’s showing all the information that I may or may not want to review/edit (links, files) might work better to focus the user on the important task of entering information.
Especially considering that the width of the link and file list contains just too much horizontal whitespace, this could be condensed significantly and moved out of the way.
Hopefully that adds more helpful, actionable information than “purple, eeew”.