The canvas gone after a refresh (5.4.0f1)

When i updated the project to Unity 5.3.5p7, I got this issue. Currently, I updated the project to Unity 5.4.0f1 and i still have this bug.

The steps how this happens:
0) Open unity editor.

  1. Open any kind of application on your computer.
  2. Back to unity editor.
  3. Canvas (UI, GameObject) has gone.

Also i have short video:

Case #814796.

This seems to be a known issue, I found an item in the issuetracker that sounds very similar.

UI images and texts disappear on editor focus change

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Yes, we have the same issue. I reported, also i attached my project. I hope they’ll will see this problem and will fix.

If people can vote on this it will be great to help us.

Thank you.

Hey, So yes this is a known issue, I thought we had a fix in 5.4 but apparently i was mistaken. I’ll try and track it down see if it just got missed for 5.4 or if we truly hadn’t fixed it.

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Hey. Tautvydas from QA team answered me today in the morning, he has solved this problem by deleting Photon Unity Networking plugin.

Thank you very much for this amazing support.


I took a look into the bug and managed to solve it.
When running into this bug, try to reimport the Plugins folder by right-clicking on it and choose ‘Reimport’. This might regenerate some files which are causing the problem.

If this doesn’t solve the problem, do the following steps:

  1. In your project navigate to the Plugins folder
  2. Look for a file named ‘Photon3Unity3D.dll.mdb’ (the filename extension is very important) and delete the file if it exists
  3. Within the Plugins folder navigate to each PUN-related subfolder (Metro, Uwp) and
  4. Look for ‘Photon3Unity3D.dll.mdb’ again and delete the file if it exists
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Just to summarize, we actually do have a bug still open - it’s related to duplicate asset names existing oddly enough. So like @ChristianSimon found, deleting duplicates of the same named files will do the trick.

Working on fixing it still, but it’s a bit trickier to work out and no timeline set for the moment.

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