the Children of the Child of a Canvas = Invisible on Canvas


If i create an empty game object, and parent it to my canvas, and then i parent some gameobjects to this object. Its all invisible on game view.


Little annoyances like this encourage me, after two years of learning game development on unity; to try another engine.

Can you show an example of what you mean? What you described should work fine. What are your canvas settings?

What are the coordinates of the child objects? Do you have them offscreen maybe?

You should do that. Maybe Unreal is 100% perfectly clear and effortless. Maybe go find out and then come back and let me know if it’s frustration-free?

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I’m using screenspace overlay, and the thing looks like a bug because if i parent a group of visible gameobjects within the canvas to an empty gameobject within the canvas, and then resize the parent gameobject, and then deparent the original (now invisible) child objects, they remain invisible. ctrl+z undoes this and makes them visible but parentless again. :confused:

You’re saying that child game objects remain visible even though they’re no longer the child of a Canvas? I’ve never seen that happen before. You’re sure you don’t have a second canvas maybe somewhere among the children? Seeing any console errors while this is happening? Maybe show a screenshot of the hierarchy and scene view when this happens?