The Count's Messenger - Screenshots

The first chapter of my adventure game is almost finished. :smile:

Enhorabuena, Alex :slight_smile:
Tiene muy buena pinta, parece que te lo has trabajado bastante.


Looks very promising. The lighting seems a tad flat though.

Gracias, thanks!!! I’m still working with ligths and shaders. It is also a long way till I have good animations for my characters. But the important fact is that my game becomes alive!!! :smile:

Nice , reminds me of the game Oblivion,
I think shaders and lights would add a lot to the scene.
cant wait to see more



Looks good. Really needs lightmaps though :slight_smile:

Looking cool! The castle is very cute :3

nice! reminds me exactly of this Xbox 360 game i knew… what’s the name? looks great!