The Crash. A cross platform RPG with a long way to go.

This forum is new to me, but here goes something!

Presenting, two very rough builds.

The first is a gameplay prototype, with a short training simulation designed to show the player how to swing a sword and fire a bow, then fend off an attack of wolves which are rampaging through the area.
Do not open this in Chrome, as it will fail.
I am aware of the following rough edges:

  • This type of combat is not the norm in pc games.
  • The sheep noises are terribly annoying.
  • It is tough to pick up the log in the fire.
  • I need to give alternate ways to move.
  • The build fails if you reload in Firefox.

The second is a prototype of the classes which will be used to drop in randomized vegetation.

I am trying to build some steam on this project, as I really hope to build a following, then a Kickstarter etc, so please look up the company page on Facebook. Search for ‘Streamfall’. I really appreciate your support and feedback!

Runescape? Game looks pretty good, needs lots of work though. Good luck man!


You have a good starting framework here! With a little (lot) more work, you could have a very fun game! I had fun just playing what you have so far - but all my sheep died while I was exploring :smile: Keep up the good work!

Wow, thank you guys -

@carl - How did you like the swipe interface for the attacks?