hello, bolth Unity and blender have seemed to of gone threw some improvments since i have last tried using them. I seemed to of figured out most of my issues but im stilled plagued by one thing, i cant seem to get characters with just a head and body object to animate in unity, I rig and animate fine and everything seems to work in blender but when i export in a single fbx and then segment into clips unity seems to forget the animations and says that there are no animations attached to the character, should i just export using several fbx files or will that not fix my issue? Im working on the latest model of my character and as soon as i have her animated ill link an fbx file so mabey some one can solve this mystory lol.
How do you animate the character? The recommended way is to use actions. Like that everything works automatically. You should get exactly the same result in Unity that you got in Blender, if nothing is messed up.
You may use the automatic importer which needs to be corrected in Unity 3.4 as described here. With Unity 3.5 it should work out of the box.
If you don’t want to use one of those, you may have a look at how it can be done in this UnityCookie tutorial.
yah ive tried exporting seperate actions in a single fbx file, fbx is the only way i have been able to get animations in successfully, i tried just dropping the blend file streight into unity’s assets folder and when i load unity it says blender cant export the fbx file or something like that, im currently using unity 3.4
the script update works, i can import blend files directly now, yeay no more fbx exporting, hopefully this will solve my issues, ty
the script update??
k, that patch did the trick, i was able to get my character in unity with all her animations and everything seems to work, my guess is it was blenders fbx exporter that was causing the issue, now that i can just link blend files directly to unity assets it all works, yeay, ty all
This Blender 2.5 Support, is an updated script for Unity that allows importing .blend files.
It must have been a settings issue, as that script doesn’t “import” Blender files, it actually runs the exact same exporter (from Blender), then imports the resulting .fbx (its just all behind-the-scenes)
its all greek to me at this point but at least it works now, im still a noob at blender and unity so its hard to tell which side the problem is on although i had always suspected it to be on blender’s side of the equation. Now that i can get things to work right mabye i can focus on building a video game lol.
by the does anyone know any reliable voice software, i need to make voices for my character but on a cheap (cant pay a dime) budget, if not its ok, ill do the box text over the head ploy. lol