This doesn’t seem to be handled properly quite yet, so I thought I’d post a suggestion to how you can change your DebugStream system to handle it better. I see it as there being a few issues:
- The GameObject created isn’t properly tagged with HideFlags.DontSave. The created object is therefore often saved inside scenes when running physics systems in the Editor World (outside of Playmode).
- When destroying the system, the object created by the system isn’t cleaned up. We create and destroy worlds occasionally, which can lead to an abundance of these gameobjects.
I’ve modified OnUpdate and OnDestroy in my DebugStream.cs in this way:
And here’s the whole file with the diffs made.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Physics;
using Unity.Physics.Systems;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
public class DebugStream : SystemBase
readonly List<NativeStream> m_DebugStreams = new List<NativeStream>();
DrawComponent m_DrawComponent;
EndFramePhysicsSystem m_EndFramePhysicsSystem;
protected override void OnCreate()
m_EndFramePhysicsSystem = World.GetOrCreateSystem<EndFramePhysicsSystem>();
public struct Context
public void Begin(int index)
public void End()
public void Point(float3 x, float size, Color color)
Writer.Write(new Point { X = x, Size = size, Color = color });
public void Line(float3 x0, float3 x1, Color color)
Writer.Write(new Line { X0 = x0, X1 = x1, Color = color });
public void Arrow(float3 x, float3 v, Color color)
Writer.Write(new Line { X0 = x, X1 = x + v, Color = color });
public void Plane(float3 x, float3 v, Color color)
Writer.Write(new Line { X0 = x, X1 = x + v, Color = color });
public void Circle(float3 x, float3 v, Color color)
Writer.Write(new Line { X0 = x, X1 = x + v, Color = color });
public void Arc(float3 center, float3 normal, float3 arm, float angle, Color color)
Writer.Write(new Arc { Center = center, Normal = normal, Arm = arm, Angle = angle, Color = color });
public void Cone(float3 point, float3 axis, float angle, Color color)
Writer.Write(new Cone { Point = point, Axis = axis, Angle = angle, Color = color });
public void Box(float3 size, float3 center, quaternion orientation, Color color)
Writer.Write(new Box { Size = size, Center = center, Orientation = orientation, Color = color });
public void Text(char[] text, float3 x, Color color)
Writer.Write(new Text { X = x, Color = color, Length = text.Length });
foreach (char c in text)
internal NativeStream.Writer Writer;
public Context GetContext(int foreachCount)
var stream = new NativeStream(foreachCount, Allocator.TempJob);
return new Context { Writer = stream.AsWriter() };
public enum Type
public struct Point
public float3 X;
public float Size;
public Color Color;
public void Draw()
Handles.color = Color;
Handles.DrawLine(X - new float3(Size, 0, 0), X + new float3(Size, 0, 0));
Handles.DrawLine(X - new float3(0, Size, 0), X + new float3(0, Size, 0));
Handles.DrawLine(X - new float3(0, 0, Size), X + new float3(0, 0, Size));
public struct Line
public float3 X0;
public float3 X1;
public Color Color;
public void Draw()
Handles.color = Color;
Handles.DrawLine(X0, X1);
public void DrawArrow()
if (!math.all(X0 == X1))
Handles.color = Color;
Handles.DrawLine(X0, X1);
float3 v = X1 - X0;
float3 dir;
float length = Math.NormalizeWithLength(v, out dir);
float3 perp, perp2;
Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(dir, out perp, out perp2);
float3 scale = length * 0.2f;
Handles.DrawLine(X1, X1 + (perp - dir) * scale);
Handles.DrawLine(X1, X1 - (perp + dir) * scale);
Handles.DrawLine(X1, X1 + (perp2 - dir) * scale);
Handles.DrawLine(X1, X1 - (perp2 + dir) * scale);
public void DrawPlane()
if (!math.all(X0 == X1))
Handles.color = Color;
Handles.DrawLine(X0, X1);
float3 v = X1 - X0;
float3 dir;
float length = Math.NormalizeWithLength(v, out dir);
float3 perp, perp2;
Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(dir, out perp, out perp2);
float3 scale = length * 0.2f;
Handles.DrawLine(X1, X1 + (perp - dir) * scale);
Handles.DrawLine(X1, X1 - (perp + dir) * scale);
Handles.DrawLine(X1, X1 + (perp2 - dir) * scale);
Handles.DrawLine(X1, X1 - (perp2 + dir) * scale);
perp *= length;
perp2 *= length;
Handles.DrawLine(X0 + perp + perp2, X0 + perp - perp2);
Handles.DrawLine(X0 + perp - perp2, X0 - perp - perp2);
Handles.DrawLine(X0 - perp - perp2, X0 - perp + perp2);
Handles.DrawLine(X0 - perp + perp2, X0 + perp + perp2);
public void DrawCircle()
if (!math.all(X0 == X1))
Handles.color = Color;
float3 v = X1 - X0;
float3 dir;
float length = Math.NormalizeWithLength(v, out dir);
float3 perp, perp2;
Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(dir, out perp, out perp2);
float3 scale = length * 0.2f;
const int res = 16;
quaternion q = quaternion.AxisAngle(dir, 2.0f * (float)math.PI / res);
float3 arm = perp * length;
for (int i = 0; i < res; i++)
float3 nextArm = math.mul(q, arm);
Handles.DrawLine(X0 + arm, X0 + nextArm);
arm = nextArm;
public struct Arc
public float3 Center;
public float3 Normal;
public float3 Arm;
public float Angle;
public Color Color;
public void Draw()
Handles.color = Color;
const int res = 16;
quaternion q = quaternion.AxisAngle(Normal, Angle / res);
float3 currentArm = Arm;
Handles.DrawLine(Center, Center + currentArm);
for (int i = 0; i < res; i++)
float3 nextArm = math.mul(q, currentArm);
Handles.DrawLine(Center + currentArm, Center + nextArm);
currentArm = nextArm;
Handles.DrawLine(Center, Center + currentArm);
public struct Cone
public float3 Point;
public float3 Axis;
public float Angle;
public Color Color;
public void Draw()
Handles.color = Color;
float3 dir;
float scale = Math.NormalizeWithLength(Axis, out dir);
float3 arm;
float3 perp1, perp2;
Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(dir, out perp1, out perp2);
arm = math.mul(quaternion.AxisAngle(perp1, Angle), dir) * scale;
const int res = 16;
quaternion q = quaternion.AxisAngle(dir, 2.0f * (float)math.PI / res);
for (int i = 0; i < res; i++)
float3 nextArm = math.mul(q, arm);
Handles.DrawLine(Point, Point + arm);
Handles.DrawLine(Point + arm, Point + nextArm);
arm = nextArm;
struct Box
public float3 Size;
public float3 Center;
public quaternion Orientation;
public Color Color;
public void Draw()
Matrix4x4 orig = Handles.matrix;
Matrix4x4 mat = Matrix4x4.TRS(Center, Orientation,;
Handles.matrix = mat;
Handles.color = Color;
Handles.DrawWireCube(, new Vector3(Size.x, Size.y, Size.z));
Handles.matrix = orig;
struct Text
public float3 X;
public Color Color;
public int Length;
public void Draw(ref NativeStream.Reader reader)
// Read string data.
char[] stringBuf = new char[Length];
for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
stringBuf[i] = reader.Read<char>();
GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle();
style.normal.textColor = Color;
Handles.Label(X, new string(stringBuf), style);
private void Draw()
for (int i = 0; i < m_DebugStreams.Count; i++)
NativeStream.Reader reader = m_DebugStreams[i].AsReader();
for (int j = 0; j != reader.ForEachCount; j++)
while (reader.RemainingItemCount != 0)
switch (reader.Read<Type>())
case Type.Point: reader.Read<Point>().Draw(); break;
case Type.Line: reader.Read<Line>().Draw(); break;
case Type.Arrow: reader.Read<Line>().DrawArrow(); break;
case Type.Plane: reader.Read<Line>().DrawPlane(); break;
case Type.Circle: reader.Read<Line>().DrawCircle(); break;
case Type.Arc: reader.Read<Arc>().Draw(); break;
case Type.Cone: reader.Read<Cone>().Draw(); break;
case Type.Text: reader.Read<Text>().Draw(ref reader); break;
case Type.Box: reader.Read<Box>().Draw(); break;
default: return; // unknown type
private class DrawComponent : MonoBehaviour
public DebugStream DebugDraw;
public void OnDrawGizmos()
if (DebugDraw != null)
// Make sure all potential debug display jobs are finished
protected override void OnUpdate()
// Make sure all potential debug display jobs are finished
// Reset
for (int i = 0; i < m_DebugStreams.Count; i++)
// Set up component to draw
if (m_DrawComponent == null)
// For the editor, we create the gameobject and component with HideFlags.DontSave to not save it inside scenes.
GameObject drawObject = EditorUtility.CreateGameObjectWithHideFlags("DebugStream.DrawComponent", HideFlags.DontSave, typeof(DrawComponent));
m_DrawComponent = drawObject.GetComponent<DrawComponent>();
// During builds, we just create the gameobject.
GameObject drawObject = new GameObject();
m_DrawComponent = drawObject.AddComponent<DrawComponent>(); = "DebugStream.DrawComponent";
m_DrawComponent.DebugDraw = this;
protected override void OnDestroy()
// Clean up our created DrawComponent. If we're running the systems outside of playmode, we should destroy with DestroyImmediate.
if (m_DrawComponent != null)
if (Application.isPlaying)
m_DrawComponent = null;
for (int i = 0; i < m_DebugStreams.Count; i++)
(Apologies for necroing my old thread, but it was on the exact same subject)