The default state in animator controller is stuck

I´m making FPS game and I´m struggling with animatior controller.

I have two models in my project. The first is downloaded from the Internet, second is made by me.

I created first animation clips in Unity and animated them. The animator controller was made automatically after I created first animation clip for the model of pistol.

The blue progress bar in Animator window doesn´t progress on runtime (but it tries to progress). The same result was in both models. I set other states default, the same. Nothing changed.

The version of engine I use is 2022.3.32f1.

I searched the solution in the Internet and I didn´t find any useful because it was outdated, because there is no “can transition to self” in animations transition setting in the Inspector window and Time Scale don´t give positive results.

I don´t know what to do next and I hope you know the answer. Early Thanks

The most common cause of this is if you are calling animator.Play ( or otherwise triggering the animation to play) in the Update method. That would cause the animation to restart from the beginning every frame and never advance.

This happens even without any scripts. Animator plays when the game starts.

I have solved the problem with your advice. I have one script that helps me to switch between weapons and there was loop that was in Update method and checked which slot need to be switched every frame. And that caused to activate the current slot over and over. Your advice helped me to understand why is this happens. Thank you very much. Good luck with your game :slight_smile:

Most common issue with this error is that your animation has no loop enabled. Edit your animation to have loop enabled. That should resolve your issue.